Khan Consulting

Khan Consulting

Custom software - Software integrations - Software modernization - Web development

Our Approach

1. Introduction

2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Development

5. Launch

6. Maintenance

About Us

Khan Consulting has over 15 years of experience in designing and building websites, web applications, APIs, and apps. We also have the expertise to maintain and modernize software. We create high-quality custom software for SMEs to help them effectively and efficiently organize their IT landscape. Unlike most other software companies, we do not offer one-size-fits-all solutions, but solutions that are completely tailored to the client's wishes and perfectly aligned with existing processes.

Sustainability is highly valued by us. Did you know that nearly 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by digital technologies? This is twice the emissions of the entire aviation industry. Therefore, we do our part by developing sustainable software with the lowest possible CO2 footprint. Do you have a question, idea, or challenge? Or are you curious about what Khan Consulting can do for your company? We are happy to help. You can reach us via email, phone, or WhatsApp.
